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Gone forever!?
**Yes finally tml is going to be the sec 1 camp...finally...plan for so long,prepare for so long,wait for so long...finally is the camp...and today will be my "LAST" day of rest...after today I will be very very very busy..haha..then today I will also be quite busy..need to pack for tml camp..haha...really very excited about tml camp...haha...I am really very happy to join ncdcc..most of my time was devoted there...I really like NCDCC...yesterday I was really very happy when all the NCO who had promise to come ,came for the meeting...Lubna came too...I felt happy when I saw them so hardworking...I saw them really put in their heart in preparing the PPT for their SNCO course...I believe that after their SNCO course they will become good SSG..I really hope to see them as a SSG..A grown up cadets..that can lead others...that my hope...that all for now....after the camp then i will post again..see ya...**
and I miss you already
10:00 AM
**well today went to HTA for CLT Meeting...Actually it was quite a short meeting..we talk about alot of thing.such as the ATC and the CPR Course thing..Then after that I have a short meeting with the CLTs who are going to the ATC as we need to plan for the campfire program...But the thing is that there are only 4 of us there....OMG....hai...super super super short of manpower..well then back to woodlands I meet my best friend and we 2 go my house watch naruto...hahaha...then after that he go home liao I went to sleep...super tired today....
well my title for today is knowlegde..indeed I did get alot of knowledge from my best friend..he taught me alot of thing that I never Know for my past 16 years....When I know it I feel that I am so useless...I am so wu zhi....Well acutally he taught me the way of to treat to treat yourself...actually in this past 16 years I don't even know how to treat people correctly...well it kinda sad right...but well my friend told me that it is still not too late to know and learn now..It will take a long time of course...but with my friend support..I won't give up..**
and I miss you already
8:44 PM
**Yesterday I finally know that for the past 16 year I had live..My life was crap...My life in the 16 year has no meaning to me..It do no good to me...I found that in this 16 year everything I do,every time I react to a event was wrong.totally wrong...yesterday I meet my best friend..He talk to me till 11 plus...He let me know that I was wrong in my past 16 years...In this 16 years,I lose my family,I lose my friends,I lose my love and I lose the meaning of life...It has so stupid...I am so stupid...I lose this is because I am the one who create this...I let my anger,my wish, my stubborn control me...I want to win all the time...Yes I win everything in the 16 years but until yesterday I finally found out that in fact I have lose everything...I am totally lose...Well I feel that I deserve this,I feel guilty....But from today i am going to change my way of life..Yes...II know it going to take quite some time...But at least it is still not too late....My friend told me...I need to CHANGE SOONER OR LATER and why if that the case why not I change now...I think that why he say is true...So I am going to change..This is my choice of life**
and I miss you already
10:10 AM
**Today I was sentence to death....I am totally dead....Break up le no use le...No matter what also no use le....**
and I miss you already
10:16 AM
** sad ar....actually is very very very tired ....Every morning wake up then don't feel like coming to school liao...In RP the life is good la...but the study is like shit man...everyday solve and solve problem...Then some more some of the faci talk like don know to study....hai...really hope that next week come faster...then can have 2 week break liao..ya la still need to go NCDCC but that what I enjoy so I don't mind..Anyway just feel like don't want come to school la...HAI**
and I miss you already
3:30 PM
Well well went out the whole day..Go AMK hub shop then go home rest le...But when I was resting my heart was thinking of something..It was all about NCDCC...Well you see in my unit training yesterday...There was good and bad thing happen...The good thing is that all sec 3 cadets is promote to SGT...Also my CCA Leader is awarded with the BEST UNIT CADETS BADGE..The the bad thing is all about the cadet IC...They are just full of problem...They are lack in commitment and discipline..They don't even fit to be the IC..I just want to demote all of them...For all th 8 IC I have...Only 3 to 4 that I think can take the role of NCO....What should I do t them...Actually I really dont know.. what to d to them...What can make them change...Or there is nothing that I can do...I really don't know...Hai...**
and I miss you already
10:50 PM
** well well was a stupid day in school la....don't know what I am doing..This morning don't feel like coming school liao...But tml need to go off early..So come today choice...Hai...then tml need go HTA meeting so sad...all CPT again...and I will be the only CLT there again...then feel loke sleeping now....6P haven even start...die liao la...I start to slack liao...hai....then today in school got what IT roadshow then got sell mouse....the mouse is super good then cost only $$10...What the hell...I shouldn have buy the mouse on monday...argh....It cost me $15.90 and then it is suck.....argh....wasted..well never no choice le...hai...anyway can play CS can liao...hahaha...k la..just write till here....see ya..**
and I miss you already
3:46 PM
well today was rather a tored day for me...actually I don't know why lo...Just feel like want to sleep lo...Today I have a UT for communcation...then the question was quite easy...So I was able to finish it on the time...Then I slowing do lo..hahaha...then today was very slack in class lo...Cause don't feel like solving the problem for today...cause very sian....hahaha...then after school go out lo...Then went home lo...the Lifeline 2 was so good...hahaha...k la...see ya again...**
and I miss you already
8:59 PM
Well today was a slack day I must say...Cause today I was sleeping and playing game...well of course I also do something meaningful la...I study for my UT for enterprise...Well it was quite hard lo...Don't know what kind of question they will ask during the UT....For a simple topic such as problem solving they already give such a difficult question liao...can't think of what question they will ask in enterprise...then somemore next week got 2 UT...then the communication topic no 6P is given....what the hell....then cannot study for it...die liao la...then next week is a very busy week for me...Let start from monday...After school I need to report to EVGSS to meet my OC...He is going to have a meeting with me for the ATC camp...after that need to go home and study for my UT for the next day...Then on tuesday I need to go out after school...Then on wed I need to study for my UT for the next day...Then on thus I can finally take a rest and sleep when I reach home...On friday I need to report to EVGSS again after school..This is ecause I will need to conduct test and training for my units...The on saturday I can sleep till very late...well actually no..I need to go out with my grandma..This is because that my aunt had open a new stall..then it is the first day..So need to go support..haha...Then on sunday got CLT meeting at HTA in the morning...Well o that mean my weekend is burn....hai so sad...well that my whole week just write till here...see ya..**
and I miss you already
10:18 PM
Finally it friday again...yes...tml can sleep till very very late...this week was so tired...but but i finally did one thing..i got a A for enterprise and problem solving...yes yes yes..finally..but my communication got a B so i did not get 5 A for the week...but i am one step nearer to my goal...after my goal i must maintain it....So i can reach my final goal for my poly life...actually i am thinking can i go to uni...then i think if i can go uni i will sign on scdf then ask them let me go uni then i can be a officer..but if cannot i will still be happy to be a section i am happy for both for the way....
Yesterday was my undestand test...In short UT...The 30 min feel like an hour....It was so long but in fact it was very short..I was rushing my answer in the 30 min...I was thinking and thinking...Using he best of me to answer all the question...When I finish my answers I was left with 10 second...And I was counting down.10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0....Then it went to a auto-submit....During the 30min I am not sure how much of my brain Cell have die off...It is just like coming back from a War....a War I am going to have it for 3 whole YEAR....
Can I do it..????I am not sure...but I know that I will try my best to do it...**
and I miss you already
9:23 PM
Today it the forth day from my last post...well this few day happen quite alot of thing....on sunday was not much...i was just playing and othing interesting...follow by monday...I have the enterprise lesson..the first thing i ask the faci was how to get a grade A....i work so hard for every time hoping to get a A on enterprise.....but it is always a B or a C....but finally today when i check my grade....i got a A...yes yes is a A....the grade that i wanted i only left problem solving that i still could not get a A for it...i will continue to work very hard for it..also one news shock me on oc had ask me to follow him to HTA for the june atc meeting....the first thing i ask him is i am only a i allow to go???am i even allow to go to the oc just reply...of course...can la....on the following day...i sms him in the morning to ask him what time to meet to go to hta....i was abit sad when i heard that he may not want to go as he is feeling unwell...but i reply that he should go as last year he already MIA the end we go for the meeting lo....i need to request for early dismiss as i meet him at i went off at about 3.30...then went home put my thing and did some wash up and went to cck to meet him...and you know what .....we 2 are on the same train...and we don't know until we reach cck....then we go for our meeting would end quite late..he treat me lo...haha....then we went to hta...on the way we discuss about the unit as well as the sec1 camp thing...then when we reach hta...all there are officer lo...don't know what to do...hai...then ask i allow to give ideas also....hahaha....then next thus still need to go for the second meeting for june atc...then this saturday don't know need go CLT meeting anot..cause yesterday ask LTA Tan then he say maybe i just wait for email from now...hahaha...then today was still ok lo....nothing just write till here...see**
and I miss you already
7:36 PM
Today wake up in the morning at about 8 plus.....when i woke up i was thinking that "I want to SlEEP"but hai...need to go to the bank and have some endosement on the giro form for my ncdcc form...need the form so that they can pay me...hai...then also need to pay my handpgone..cause no more time next saturday is the deadline then everyday i 4 plus then finish school and also next saturday got ncdcc clt meeting at must pay by today lo...then reach home around 10..then eat my breakfast lo...then start to play warcraft liao..hahaha....i play and play ..until 7 pm lo...of course there are break in between ...I do not want my notebook to spoil so fast...still need it for 3 year...hahaha...then went to eat dinner lo...after that i go watch naruto...then they say don't know what DB don't want them to host show from DB then I scare no more naruto liao...argh......then go watch Return of the Condor Heroes...long long time never watch liao...cause this few day in school no time watch then reach home liao also very never watch fact i do not online on weekday at home...cause very tired school online so long at home just rest lo....unless there are really very important thing then i will online at home during weekday lo...hahaha...yup just write till going to continue watch Return of the Condor Heroes liao ....BB...**
and I miss you already
9:19 PM
**well a few day never blog liao...cos doing something else..hahaha..i wa playing warcraft..hahaha..get the game from one of my classmate..warcraft was so fun sia....better then cs...hahaha...then this few day in sachool was quite fun lo...take some pic with myteam then put it in the ppt....
The photo funny sia...hahaha...then this few day presentation is all fun sia...hahaha....**
and I miss you already
1:41 PM
Today was a rather slack day for me...but finally i able to watch finish Justics Bao...hahaha...The endind was good and bad....Everything went back to the same...well..ok lo the ending..hahaha...then today my mood was actually ok de...but something make me sad...well...i should say is disappointed ba....cause i just wen to check out my result...then i get 2 B for my sad..I aim to get 5 A one shot in a week...I was so close to it..I already got 3 A for last week...3 A...hai..sad sia..but i will conutinue to work very hard to get the 5 A..that my goal for poly...A.....I won't give up de....i promise....get a hair cut other day not free liao...hai...tml go school my hair short short de...ok la....i like short hair anyway...k la write till here le...see ya ...**
and I miss you already
5:47 PM
:Benjamin Peh
: Scorpio
I am a ....
*Senior Cadet Lieutenant*
*Certify Level 1 Kayaking Coach*
*First Aider*
*Certify Basic Cardiac Life Support Instructor*
*Grad From RP,Diploma in Biomedical Electronics*
*Jun Xian*
*JW aka Lance aka "L"*
*My Unit's Blog*
*My Sec 1 Unit's Blog*
*My Sec 2 Unit's Blog*
*My Ex Unit's Blog*
*Shi Hui*
*Xinrui's story*
*Yu Ting*
*Senior in Wubinwuhshu*
*AVA & Photographer*
*Chinese tutor*
*Student of Qihua Pri*
*Student of EVGSS*
Dream is something that can never true,
so I don't dream but I wish..
*Stay with you*
*Become a Firefighter*
*Pass my Diploma*
*Slim Down*
*Earn $$$*
*Become a better person*
*Be happy*
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