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**It had been ages since i last post.. the last post was written when i working with Acer..Alot of things happen these 2 months.. and becos i am lazy.. so i nv updates..
hmmm,the first big thing is i am going to get enlisted to BMTC Sch 1 on 26th Aug 2010.
Haizz, even after repost, i still go back to the same place same unit.. i was hoping to get in SCDF then can be afi, but the bad point is at there i cant really lose weight.. then hoping to get into army becos i can really become fitter there and lose weight.. then after my 2 years of NS, i can sign on in scdf.. but army is on a off shore island.. and tat idea is like omg liao.. hahaha.. but anyway i cant run away from it.. so i decided to enjoy the rest of my time be4 i enter and face army with everything i have.. Stopping to think negative make me more confident.. haha.

Second thing is i move hus le.. hmmm i had move to this new hus for like 2 weeks already.the place here are not bad.. oh yea , the new place is woodland circle.. so everything here is kinda ok and i found myself like this place more compare to my old hus.. maybe is becos everything is new here.. so yea.. but anyway is like 6 months aft, i will be moving again for some reason.. so let see how ba.. anyway by that time i am in army already.. only weekend will be at home..

Third, let talk about what i had been doing anyway.. Like the past, i been focusing in ncdcc... and now i am leaving already.. so i kinda not bear to leave my unit.. anyway i had train this unit up.. from nothing to now a day, got a system of working. and my PDS, arghhhh.. why they postpone the competition. haizz.. but anyway i hope i can get to see the competition.
Actually I still have lots of worry for the unit.. but i also knw i must be confident of the SNCO and NCO i had trained.. maybe becos till nw, the SNCO and NCO still cannot work as a team ba.. working together is the key.. but they are not doing that.. or they are trying to do, just tat it cant hit my standard ba.. but whenever i got time, i will go back to see my unit.. hahah..

Oh yea, Ricky ,Jia Wei and Derek is motivated to become kayaking coach too.. and will be taking their star 1 course next weekend.. they sat i bringing them to buy watershoes.. hehehe.. then i also want to go there to buy some stuff for my enlistment.. and for their star 1 course i will be their asst coach.. hehehe.. treat me well ar if u wan to pass..hahaha.. just jking....

Yesterday went for an outing with my SNCO and NCO... and derek also come.. cos we go bank le.. then i ask him tag along.. hehehe.. we went to waterfront park...then play the skywalker.. hahaha then sit there and slack awhile.. then it rain.. sooo sian.. then all of them came my hus , we play murderer and found out who is the silent killer.. and pls i am innocent.. don kill the spy and police pls... lol... then we play a at first we think very stupid the game.. the count to 10 game.. but in the end it was like super fun and lame.. hahaha.. anyway no more details.. as it is within the 4 walls .. hahahaa..

That all for nw.. wait for future update^^ **

and I miss you already
8:18 PM


**I am back after so long.. i have not post anything since my laptop spoil.. well ok some updates my lappy is back to healthy condition, but still need to take care so it can live longer.. haha.. from my last post till now i had not do much thing actually...

Firstly, is I finally get my diploma from RP le.. hahaha.. i collected it last friday.. well, actually don't have any feeling well get my cert.. don know why.. maybe too tired ba.. or is becos know result before getting the cert.. so like expected.. haha i don know.. anyway that finally offically end my poly life.. and i am getting to the next phrase of life.. NS!!! .. lol...,

second, i was working part time as acer promoter again.. well only for 5 days only..and today is the last day already.. well and this was a good working life, but boring.. hahah.. cos there are no boss to look after me this 5 days, i am work alone.. not home alone.. lol... then i was like first day i reach there, then my boss tell me she not coming.. then i whole day alone.. then after awhile she call..then to check la.. and see i understand everythign anot.. then i ask so all 5 days i alone? then she said yes.. i like LOL!!!.. so first day i was super sian, cos i at first tot confirm busy like hell, so i never bring PSP all that... in the end.. i sit there do nothing.. lucky after awhile can use the school wireless, so i started to read manga online.. haha..

then second day onward, i bring my PSP ,vodaphone,all that.. i some more transfer song inside the acer laptop, install PPS and watch anime.. hahahaha.. i was like slacking all the way la... lol... then second day jw come and pei me also.. haha we was like watching anime on his laptop.. lol.. then the rest of the day, i was like playing PSP.. and listening to song all that.. hahaha.. so right now i am blogging while working.. hahaha..

then last sat i also went to J Bac to work as KI, that job also easy, be safety officer only.. hahaha.. then just paddle with them only.. then can liao.. hahaha.. ok my work end liao.. maybe later reach home then continue the post.. or something.. haha**

and I miss you already
3:27 PM


**Feeling so sian now... because my lappy die again.. and sent to private clinic.. cos warranty over liao.. so sent to the computer shop at 883... haizz... it will like auto sudden off after i on for like 15 min.. and the lappy is super hot.. power sia.. then i go cos-way point check, lol, they tell me they don repair hardware fault.. i nothing to said.. so went to 883 de.. he said fan spoil,totally not moving.. must change $180, lucky my dad is paying.. ahaha..anyway i seriously miss my laptop.. although he said i can get it back by tml.. hahaha.. but i scared repair liao still got problem lo.. since is like 3 years old liao..

Just read my bros and my friends blog.. hmm i feel so outcast-ed sia.. like i too long never go out with friends liao... social circle too small.. only go out with jw and derek.. hahaa.. then i think so sian now.. everyday rotting at home.. doing nothing.. not like ricky they all, everyday go to work.. haizz.. i don know what i had been doing this few months.. rotting at home? what i am thinking sia.. where is my active lifestyle.. haizz.
maybe i am going to find those ntuc work again.. haha.. let hope i can find la..
i don know what to write already, so let blog next time.. bye bye.. **

and I miss you already
9:28 PM


**Yesterday the result was finally released, of cos i am talking abut the school result..hmm, overall, i am very happy with my result of the term as well as the result of my whole poly life.. I got a final GPA of 3.54. a increase of 0.04 from last sem.. hahaha.. Yesterday was the official day that I graduate from RP.. well the feeling of graduating was very confusing , because i don know to be happy or to be sad.. haha..happy is of cos i had successfully finish my poly education...but sad is because, i am entering to my next phase of life, be it working life or NS.. and i am kinda feel lost.. haha.. and also is like cannot see my friends in poly le.. well although in the past i mentions that in poly u cant really get close friends or friends you can really trust, but for me i met a few of really close friends and i can trust them.. Like Bo Shen, Chee San, Siew Mei.. This 3 are my closest friends in poly la.. haha.. everyone is moving on now... moving to their working life or like me waiting for NS... Maybe in the future we may get a chance to work with each other again, maybe for work.. haha.. who know...
anyway, after the SNCO, i been resting and resting.. not rotting ar.. cause i had been very tired after the 2 weeks of packing life.. hahaha..then next week, i am going to start working again, as acer promoter then after that will be working as KI again.. haha.. money money money.. lol..ok la.. nothing to update le.. tml still got ncdcc.. so bye bye.. **

and I miss you already
11:33 PM


** These are my Nov!!! they are the best...**

and I miss you already
8:47 PM

**It been a long long long long long time that i haven been updating.. the last updated should be around 2 weeks ago.. reason being i am working having camp as well as being the APC for the 8th SNCO...well so let me talk about the work first ba.. i am working for acer at RP roadshow.. well that mean selling acer lappy la.. overall for me i think that the spec for acer this year is super good la... so if i got $$ i will sure buy.. but too bad i don have.. hahaha.. so anyway i am proud to said that for the 4 days i work for acer i am the top sales.. WAKAKAKA!!!!. lol ok that is HL ... anyway it was fun working with different ppl that i don know.. talking to ppl i don know.. hahha..
well than after the 4 days of work, i went to my KCP NCDCC unit camp which is a 3 days 2 night.. Well by the time i report to camp i am already tired like shit la.. but nvm i endure and continue lo.. overall i would said that the camp was fun but tiring..i would said that the NCO and SNCO had been doing a good job.. but the NCO still have room for improvement.. So NCO don give up and try harder.. Although i know that the CLTs had been giving you all shit all the way during camp la.. but it had to be done..
Next i went to HQ to help out the 8th SNCO course.. I skip the first day of course reason being i was sick.. so i decided to take a break first.. then for tue to fri i went to help out.. Nov was the platoon i am in charge of.. From tue to fri i had see their improvement as a cadets as well as as a SNCO.. I had been giving them shit like hell.. every morning row call was a killer.. I think every morning they pump more then 100.. hahaa.. nvm is a good arm training.. hahaha.. this time working in HQ is good.. I would like to work in HQ more.. but of cos it is tiring.. anyway we did a photoframe as well as write our wishes to out Nov as a farewell gift..well i also get a farewell gift from HQ.. and it is a teddy bear.. hahahaha.. ok can... but nvm i was keep it for sure de.. hahaha..
ok la i don know wat to write again le.. so next wait till next time.. haha.. **

and I miss you already
10:58 AM


**Yo, had been thinking to update my blog a few days le.. but keep on think and lazy then never update.. so now finally make myself to update.. hahah.. well firstly let talk about what i did today. So basically I wake up earli today which is like 11 plus.. cos now my normal waking time is 12 plus ,1plus and 2 plus.. then after that went to my unit to meet my NCOs as we are going to bench road to buy our camp stuffs..and i buy a new muti-purpose knife. and better then my current one and it cost only $4!!!! that is super cheap man.. hahaha.. good stuff and cheap.. hahaha..

then it had been proven that the gal NCOs are LES!!!.. lol.. they are totally crazy.. hahaha.. regret wearing the same shirt as them man.. LOL!!!..hhaa.. jkjk.. then after that went home already .
I had been thinking alot this few weeks, as I am rotting at home and seriously nothing to do... so just anyhow think here and there.. Well I think that some job is a really very important as they bring relive to people. It let people feel hopes, saw the light that will save them in their hopeless pit.
Job like doctor, firefighter, police... Just the sight of them, the words they said can let you feel ok, it can remove all the stress that u had..
Also after this few weeks, i feel that city life is so stress and boring.. everyday laptop laptop laptop... this is soo boring.. i want to get away from city life for a while.. just awhile , few days will be enough..
Now i really cant wait next week to come.. cos next week is my UNIT CAMP!!! wooo.. and i heard that NPCC, BB and 2 other school cca or wat is also having camp with the same date with us.. Some more my unit there only got ONE!! bathing room.. so it like OMG!! must plan nice nice for them., hahaa.. anyway it should be very fun ba.. hahaha.. then after the camp. i am going to help out in the SNCO course at HQ.. after one year plus , i am finally going back to HQ.. hope that it will be good and fun.. well nth to write le.. next time got thing to write then update.. hahaha..

and I miss you already
8:02 PM


**hmm LONG LONG never update liao.. too lazy again.. everytime open the New Post page.. then too lazy to type and hence close the browser..hahaha...OK first thing I am OUT OF RP!!!! I had finish my studies liao... for 1 week le.. Now is all about rotting and waiting for enlistment..
Coming out of RP is like, sian.. at first tot that when i grat from RP, i will be very happy and carefree... and yet now, i am feeling so sian, aimless and meaningless.. Everyday at home doing nth but slacking, watch show, eat , slp.. nothing else..In the past, i like to have sch holiday and it seem that holiday always end so fast.. Yet now, i feel that when you had nothing to do and just wait.. It is a very tong ku everyone that is still in sch now.. treasure , I should start my running and swimming again man.. If not that it for my fitness level..I think i had stop running and swimming for at least one month le...
Now, I think i am only focusing in NCDCC, that is my only meaningful thing that I am doing for the time being... so let hope that i can get some partime job also.. so i wont meaninglessly doing nth but to wait for friday to come.. hahaha..
Also now my unit had 2 more new CLTs that come in to assist me in training up the unit... today was the first day i was working with them...I feel that is kinda fun and ok working with both of them.. they are friendly and funny.. also they treat stuffs seriously, which is important as a clt in the unit.. I believe I will have a good working relationship working with them..
Now I don know what to write again.. hahaha.. ok so let stop here for today and wait for my FUTURE updates.. which is don know when again.. hahahah.. **

and I miss you already
11:48 PM


**Yo yo yo, one week after school reopen le... well this week was a busy, tired,meaningful and fun week.. hahaha.. so many thing to settle this week.. time is really not enough for me.. but lucky everything had go smoothly.. hahaha..

ok let first talk about my studies this week had 2 UT bio imaging and equipment.. hahaha..well the equipment UT was abit challenging but imaging was ok.. haha quite easy... at least a B.. hahaha.. well the whole week of study is like OMG!!.. super tired, especially on thrus.. nearly wanna to skip sch... lucky never.. i ENDURE.. wakakak... and first day of sch was imaging.. first day only the topic is like OMG!! super hard la.. but after trying super hard.. get pass it but it was sooo tired.

ok next talk about NCDCC, this week was a fulfilling week for me in ncdcc.. I went to my unit 3 time in this week. .. well this is my specialists for the sec 1 campfire performance.. they really put in alot of effort and willingly go though the hell life with me.. hahaha.. the video is on my facebook. go and check it out.. but is the backview only.. frontview will be uploaded soon.. and this time, i miss the cca fair due to school UT. no choice.. If not i sure go de.. but during the holiday we put in alot of effort , like prepare banner, building gate using pole and rope.. i also join in the building and lead my Bob the building team..hahahaha.. of cos the holiday was hell to them.. before they had offically become my specialists, they went through alot of training.. to prepare them to become a NCO.. i enjoy the time training with them .. or rather training them,.. sometime we had fun , sometime i was really piss.. but overall I enjoy it.. hahaha..

well some personal life now, this week was sooo busy that i had no time to go to gym until today.. this week only go gym once.. feel kinda unconformable.. so also did some dumbell training at home.. this morning went to gym with jw.. did my usual stuff...and swim of cos.. swimming is great.. is relaxing and it BURN fat... hahaha.. well next week i believe will also be quite busy for me.. Going Hq on monday so skipping school halfway, then tue going my unit again for meeting.. then wed fyp need to test my circuit see can work anot.. thrus finally can rest then friday maybe going sch maybe not going.. see how first.. cos got training too.. hahaha.. **

and I miss you already
9:44 PM


**School is going to re-open soon.In a few more hours time, i need to step into the war ground.. hahaha.. I said until rp very scary.. well is TRUE!!! hahaha.. cos tml first day of school got test liao... What is this man.. holiday still need to prepare for test.. haiz.. this holiday is soo sad... lost my Hp.. then now waiting for the day to come when i can get myself a new one.. ahhaha..anyway how did i spend my last day of holiday.. well feel kinda sad to spend the last day at home rotting..
anyway wake up in the afternoon like 12 plus.. than start to STUDY!!!.. woo that great.. first thing wake up is to study.. hahaha then follow by eat and watch show.. seriously nothing to do.. then until night then go study again.. then now blogging.. hmm the coming week is going to be very busy for me.. cos got cca fair.. for KCP then still need to go and supervise practice the performance for the campfire.. and then friday there will be another UT!!! nooooo.. hahaha
So here is the plan for the week .. of cos weekday only..
-Go SCH!!!
-BioEquipment UT
-Go home slack.. LOL!!1
-No SCH!!! YEAA!!!!!
-Go to KCPSS for NCDCC
-NO SCH!!!! but got FYP!!! SIAN!!
-then afternoon go KCPSS for NCDCC
-maybe going gym after school but fri got UT!!!
-Go Sch
-Bio-imaging UT
-RUSH to KCPSS for the campfire performance..ACTUAL!!! hahha

Yea that will be the plan for this coming week. and everyday i would be reaching my hus after 6pm.. that is sooo great. ahahaha.. ok la i going to slp now le.. first day of sch cannot late.. hahaha.. good nite**

and I miss you already
9:49 PM


Name:Benjamin Peh
Horoscope: Scorpio

I am a ....
*Senior Cadet Lieutenant*
*Certify Level 1 Kayaking Coach*
*First Aider*
*Certify Basic Cardiac Life Support Instructor*
*Grad From RP,Diploma in Biomedical Electronics*



*Jun Xian*
*JW aka Lance aka "L"*
*My Unit's Blog*
*My Sec 1 Unit's Blog*
*My Sec 2 Unit's Blog*
*My Ex Unit's Blog*
*Shi Hui*
*Xinrui's story*
*Yu Ting*


*Senior in Wubinwuhshu*
*AVA & Photographer*
*Chinese tutor*
*Student of Qihua Pri*
*Student of EVGSS*


Dream is something that can never true,
so I don't dream but I wish..

*Stay with you*
*Become a Firefighter*
*Pass my Diploma*
*Slim Down*
*Earn $$$*
*Become a better person*
*Be happy*